Black and white photography is becoming common nowadays and if done correctly can add a new dimension to your image.
Nowadays, most of the cameras have a Black and White option which directly captures a Black and White image. If your camera have it, enable it and capture.
But if your camera does not support black and white, then you can easily do it in Photoshop.
There are many ways to do it in Photoshop.
Many Photoshop users just desaturate the colours to convert a colour photo to black and white. But converting a digital colour photo into black and white goes beyond simply desaturating the colours. Simply desaturating the colours may create an image which appears washed out or lacks tonal range.
There are many good ways to convert digital colour photo into black and white. Here I am sharing one basic method.
The Channel Mixer tool in Photoshop allows the user tocontrol how much each of the three colour channels contribute to the final greyscale brightness. It is undoubtedly one of the most powerful black and white conversion methods. However, it may take some time to master since there are many parameters which require simultaneous adjustment.
Steps To Follow
1. Go to Image > Adjustments > Channel Mixer in Photoshop.
2. Be sure to first click on the box entitled "Monochrome" for Black and White conversion.
3. It is good to get a feel for the distribution of each colour channel by first setting each of the colour channels to 100% individually.
4. Adjust each of red, green and blue sliders to produce an image to your liking. For even more pronounced effect, some colours can even have negative percentages.
5. The sum of red, green and blue percentages need to be equal 100% in order to maintain roughly constant brightness, although overall brightness can also be adjusted by using the "Constant" slider at bottom. If aim is to mimic the luminosity percieved by the human ey, set the values of Red, Green and Blue at 30%, 59% and 11% respectively.
6. Create two seperate "Hue/Saturation Adjustment Layers" by the following menus:
Layers > New Adjustment Layer > Hue/Saturation.
7. Each window will be named Hue/Saturation 1 or 2. Hwever, I have given these custom names for this tutorial.
8. Set the blending mode to Color on top adjustment layer and set the saturation to its minimum of -100.
9. On the bottom adjustment, change the "Hue" slider to apply any of the entire spectrum of colour filters. This is the main control for adjusting the look from this technique.
10. The saturation slider can also be adjusted in this layer, but this time it fine-tunes the magnitude of filter effect for a given hue.
11. Once all adjustments are made, merge/flatten the layers to make these final.
Here are some examples of Black and White Photographs.
Photo by rockartwolf
Photo by dreamcicle19772006
Photo by dagurb
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